Earth Day and a Family of Faith?

Earth Day and a Family of Faith?

Did you know that Earth Day was FIRST celebrated in San Francisco ,which is named after St Francis, the patron saint of ecology? AND that it in 2009 the United Nations declared that April 22 would be Earth Day through 2015?  Interesting date…Apparently, the date was to enable participation in college campuses across the world.  Over 175 countries take part in Earth Day and the celebrations grow bigger and bigger with each passing year.

Regardless of your religion, regardless of your political affiliation, regardless of whether your green peace or not, Earth Day is not something that we can ignore.  Somewhere, sometime, we will hear about Earth Day.  And so will our children. The media talks about it, Disney talks about it, schools talk about it.  Why not adopt it into your family as well, but with a bit of a different twist..Instead,  as a day to celebrate what God created for us!

So what place does Earth Day have in a family of faith? Let me show you…

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.   Genesis 1:31a

To the Lord your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it.  Deuteronomy 10:14

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.  Psalm 24:1

This beautiful creation that we live among was created FOR us BY God.  It is our responsibility, as his children, to take care of the place that He so lovingly created for us.  Every morning, when I look out the window at the mountains, I am blown away by the artistry of my Father.  Unable to put into words the love he must have for us to have created something THIS beautiful and yet, love ME more than it.

So, in our house, on Earth Day, we talk about the beautiful Earth that God created for us and what WE can do to respect the things God gave us (including the Earth).  I’m not saying we worship the earth…quite the opposite actually.  We love the earth while LOVING the creator!

If you’re like I was a few years ago, when Josh and I decided to celebrate Earth Day with our sons for the first time, you may not even have a clue where to start.  So, I’ve come up with a short list of things you can do as a family.  Choose one or do them all.

Chimpanzee movie by Disney Nature..Disney makes it easy to celebrate Earth Day.  Go see Chimpanzee as a family

and talk about God’s creations, learn about some adorable Chimpanzees and if you go opening weekend,

Disney Nature will make a donation to the Jane Goodall Institute.

Grab a few bags and head out in your neighborhood with your children.  Undoubtedly you will find some trash along the road.

Use this time to talk to your children about the importance of not littering and how we must respect what God gives us!

If you don’t already, buy a few bins and teach your children about recycling (they probably know more than you do!) and how in your home you will be adopting a new policy.  How if we recycle we can reuse resources and by doing so, we are being good stewards.

There are SEVERAL awesome websites for kids about recycling and reusing.  Spend some time perusing them with your kids!

Here is one of my favorites!

Plant a new tree in your yard or ask a neighbor or elderly person in your community if you can plant one in theirs!  Talk to your kids about how God created these trees that produce oxygen and created US to breathe oxygen!  More of his artistry!

Rich Mullins music is inspirational and is a perfect example of how you can admire God’s creation and give HIM the praise.  While you’re doing your Earth Day activities, download a few Rich Mullins tunes and crank it up! Some of our favorites are:

  • Awesome God
  • Calling Out Your Name
  • The Color Green (which is about Ireland, BONUS! 😉  )
  • Creed
  • The Howling
  • The River

  Attend a family friendly Earth Day celebration.  There are always fun activities for kids and families.  OR if you live in an area that does not have an organized Earth Day celebration, get together with a few mom friends and throw together your own “celebration”..a few crafts, a few recycling games and some yummy organic snacks and juice and you are good to go!

I repeat, I am NOT saying we worship the earth…that we put the earth’s needs above the people who live on it…I’m simply saying, that on Earth Day spend the day praising the ONE who created it!  🙂  What better way to spend a spring day!

So From the Griffin Monkeys…

Have a Faith-FULL Friday & Happy Earth Day 2012!!


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3 responses »

  1. I love your blog and you give me cool ideas all the time!!! Keep up the work. You have inspires me to recycle more then my plastic grocery bags!!!

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