You may be wondering…so which is it? High Heels or Muddy Boots…Well, I’m happy to tell you, I’m a little bit of both.

After the birth of my first son, I just knew, I would forever be a “boy mom” but what I wasn’t prepared for was the onslaught of ?’s.

When you going to try for your girl? (I didn’t realize that was an option…)

Oh, 3 boys…are you sad? (um, they are my children…seriously?)

Wow, look at you, wearing pink with all these boys.  (I AM still a girl you know.)

I didn’t realize that when you had all boys that people would be so negatively vocal about what I see as a blessing.  Don’t get me wrong, girls are wonderful and precious and I would have been just as blessed had I had girls…but God saw fit to give me boys.  So, a boy Mom I am and I wear my “Boy Mom” badge with honor.

I love playing in the mud with my sons and I also enjoy dressing up in a sassy pair of high heels.

I am a mom of 3 boys that is trying to enjoy the blue in my world while not losing the pink that is in my heart and soul.

I am a mom of three boys and a wife of one amazing man. Yes, I am a boy mom, but I am not a BOY..I still wear high heels and love the color pink…I get manicures and pedicures..I also enjoy hiking and playing in the rain with my sons. I can tell you which Star Wars characters are GOOD and which are on the Dark Side! Although I have sons and am surrounded by testosterone, I refuse to trade in my high heels for muddy boots..

I AM High Heels & Muddy Boots.


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