Tag Archives: sadness

Keep Pressing On

Keep Pressing On

When the world throws it’s worse at us….

We must keep pressing on.

When we feel our bodies are fighting against us…

We must keep pressing on.

When we stumble with every step….

We must keep pressing on.

When it’s daylight out and yet inside it feels dark…

We must keep pressing on.

When we feel like our heart will break….

We must keep pressing on.

Sometimes life is hard…when you look around and it seems so easy for everyone else and so hard for you don’t despair.  Look around….Find one thing you have been blessed with….ONE…whenever you feel low, remind yourself of this blessing…and


Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me (Phil. 3:12)

Praying Friday is a Faith-FULL one for you….
